
I had a plan.  It seemed quite sound at the time, I formulated said plan while I was still working.  It was a simple plan, actually: grow my tiny fiber business once I retired from my day job.  I had some ideas about how I was going to proceed.  Fast forward as it’s nearly been a year since I retired.  I’ve not updated my out of date website, I’ve not started the list I had made to grow my business.  I’ve done much soul searching to discover that growing my small business is not what I wish to do.  That was a bit of a surprise!

This revelation was following by a second thought: what the heck is it that I wish to do?  I’m still a bit uncertain about this. I’m not shutting down my small business…I will do some shows next year, but perhaps not as many.  I feel it’s time to change my focus.  I’ve been working exclusively with Pygora fiber since about 2002.  I love the fiber and those adorable goats!  But it’s time for me to stretch and grow.  What is my true passion? I do love weaving and am already falling down that rabbit hole…..and will continue to wallow for years in that rabbit hole…..but dyeing is my favorite.  Dyeing fiber, yarn or fabric… makes no matter.  I love dyeing with both synthetic and natural dyes.

So you will see Rainbow Farms Pygora around, but it will be a smaller percentage of my business.  The larger portion will now be Magpie Dye Studio.  I’m not certain which roads I will travel here, but I am certain it will be filled with much color!

ANWG 2025 Conference

News and information about the 2025 ANWG Conference

Daryl's Blog

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

Jane Stafford Textiles

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

Random Acts of Color

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....


The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

albedo too

more chronicles of concupiscientia oculorum

jude hill spirit cloth

FEEL FREE - just sharing what moves through me

Freyalyn's textile stuff

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

Wherever I Go, There I Am

Observations from my meanderings through life



An Impartation of Color

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

Riihivilla, Dyeing with natural dyes

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....


The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

The Independent Stitch

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

Woven Thoughts

The ramblings of a dyer, weaver, spinner, a maker....

carpe diem!

seize the day and all that it offers